Trusted Dental Practice Valuations

PPS Dental Practice Valuations are a comprehensive analysis of all aspects of your practice. We assess the practical, financial, and management details, all of which affect the overall value. We’ve developed industry specific databases and financial models to accurately determine the value. We are known for our honesty, integrity and superior value for service.

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How PPS Dental Practice Valuations Help

Valuations are prepared for various purposes eg. 1) Marketing the Practice   2) Matrimonial Situations 3) Insurance Purposes 4) Bringing on an associate 5) Partnership Splitting 6) Incorporation 7) Retirement Planning. We are very familiar with all of these circumstances.

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Practice Valuations Done by Industry Experts

Our Valuation methodology was developed by a Chartered Accountant with years of dental industry experience. We still use the time-tested models today to produce broadly admired and respected Valuations.

Proprietary Financial Models

We have Industry specific databases and financial models to accurately determine your practice value.​

Highly Regarded & Respected Team

Banks and Financial Institutions trust PPS Valuations a​nd will lend based on our honesty, integrity and the regard they give to our valuations.

Deep Dental Industry Experience

The PPS team has either worked in Dental Practice Financing or has decades of Dental Industry Experience and brings that expertise when valuing your practice.

“I definitely made the right decision to approach David and his team at PPS regarding the sale of my dental office. Throughout the entire process, their dedication and professional manner ensured that the right buyer was found. The transition process was flawless and the match has been perfect. Thank you PPS.”
Dr. Andres Traverse
Dr. Traverse

Call Us Today.

ON: 1-905-472-6000

BC: 1-604-913-7717

When a customer signs on with PPS they’re dealing with a team that brings 100+ yrs of Dental Experience. We take care of the entire process and the dentist has peace of mind. Contact us today to hear how we can help you.

Call Us Today.

ON: 1-905-472-6000

BC: 1-604-913-7717

When a customer signs on with PPS, they’re dealing with a team that brings 100+ years of Dental Experience. We take care of the entire process and the dentist has peace of mind. Contact us today to hear how we can help you.

David Lind valuing a dental practice
David Lind valuing a Dental Practice for Sale
Colin Ross valuing a dental office
Gerry Crandles valuing a dental practice

Expert Advice

The PPS team will provide expert advice as they complete your Dental Practice Valuation. It makes sense to surround yourself with experts. You will ideally have an accountant and a lawyer who routinely deal with Dentists and the buying and selling of practices. 

Your accountant should be brought into the picture early to advise you on the tax implications of selling your practice. The net value of your practice is based on the net after tax position of the sale. PPS works with many qualified and experienced lawyers and accountants that we can refer you to.

Get in touch with us!

I have only one word for the practice valuation…WOW


I have only one word for the practice valuation…WOW. You are definitely very thorough. It reminds me of some of my high school projects.

If you ever need a referral, do not hesitate to let me know. Your report was a pleasure to read.

Dr Margaret Wong

Dr. Cole
"After owning my practice for over 35 years, when the decision to begin my transition came, I chose David Lind and PPS. After much research and consideration of other brokers, I decided that his experience, and professional, yet personable approach, would lead to the best outcome for me, both professionally and financially. This resulted in a smoother transition than I could ever have imagined.

I have no hesitation in strongly recommending David and his team at PPS."
Dr. Brian Cole

Call Us Today.

ON: 1-905-472-6000

BC: 1-604-913-7717

When a customer signs on with PPS, they’re dealing with a team that brings 100+ years of Dental Experience. We take care of the entire process and the dentist has peace of mind. Contact us today to hear how we can help you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Below you’ll find answers to some of the questions we get asked the most. Reach out anytime with other questions.

Depends on the size, complexity and location of your practice. Please contact us for a no obligation quote.

There are a variety of reasons why valuations are needed - matrimonials, for tax reasons, preparing for a sale, share crystallization and more.

Details about your production, financial statements, lease information, staff information, patient demographics, equipment, location analysis and more.

The process is quicker if you produce the reports but we can produce the reports remotely ourselves or gather the information while we are in your practice.

Once all of the data is gathered, we aim to be complete within 3-4 weeks.

Valuation Resources

Helpful Resources for Those looking for a Dental Practice Valuation

Comprendre les évaluations de cliniques dentaires

Il arrive un moment dans la vie de la plupart des dentistes où ils ont besoin ou devraient comprendre les évaluations de cabinet, qu’ils vendent un cabinet, achètent un cabinet dentaire ou envisagent de quitter la profession à l’avenir.

Créer votre propre pratique la plus précieuse (MVP)

Beaucoup d’entre nous ont des attentes irréalistes quant à la valeur de nos biens. Les maisons, les voitures et les jouets sont des exemples de choses que nous savons tous appartenir à cette catégorie. Mais qu’en est-il de votre pratique ?

Comment les valeurs de la clinique dentaire peuvent-elles augmenter et diminuer?

Au cours des dernières années, les valeurs globales de la pratique dentaire ont atteint des niveaux significatifs. Il y a plusieurs raisons à cette augmentation de valeur, mais elle a été principalement alimentée par une demande accrue de nouveaux dentistes entrant sur le marché canadien, combinée à un accès sans précédent au capital de nombreuses institutions bancaires canadiennes.

La valeur d’une bonne équipe

De nombreux facteurs de valeur contribuent au prix de vente d’un cabinet dentaire. L’accent est mis sur les revenus bruts en tant que principal moteur de valeur. Les lecteurs réguliers de The Professional Advisory se souviendront que le revenu brut, bien qu’important, n’est certainement pas un bon indicateur de la valeur d’un cabinet, en particulier lorsqu’il est pris isolément. L’un des moteurs de valeur les moins discutés, mais très important, est la valeur d’une bonne équipe.

Patients, patience, patients

Que pensent vos patients de vous et des dentistes en général ? J’ai récemment entendu cela d’un client : « J’ai eu un patient en une journée l’année dernière. Comme je n’étais pas très occupé cet après-midi-là, je lui ai re-présenté une énorme affaire. Bien qu’il n’était pas sûr d’aller de l’avant, je l’ai finalement convaincu que cette procédure était une bonne idée, j’ai procédé à l’achèvement de la procédure et j’ai passé un après-midi très fructueux. C’est ce que sont l’efficacité et les compétences en présentation de cas ! »

Understanding Practice Valuations

There comes a time in most dentist’s lives when they need to or should understand practice valuations whether they are selling a practice, buying a practice, or planning to exit the profession in the future.

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If you would like more information regarding our services, please reach out anytime. Our PPS Team look forward to connecting

ON: 1-905-472-6000

BC: 1-604-913-7717